Welcome To Movement

Women's Strength Training Studio Wicklow Town

At Movement Wicklow, we will focus on strength training in small group classes-10 maximim. We will use range of free weights and you will be taught the basics if needed so don't worry if you have little to no experience- or lot’s of experience! All levels are welcome.

Throughout each session we will perfect lifting technique and focus on building strength. I can guarantee you will leave every session feeling incredibly proud of yourself and love every minute with the incredible women.

Strength training is incredibly beneficial for your overall health especially as we age. Improving muscle mass & bone density, reduces the chance of injury, improves heart health and boosts those endorphins. This is vital for women at every stage of life young to old!

If you are interested in joining Movement, then please add your contact details here and I will be in touch shortly.

Or go ahead and download the Wunderbook app and get yourself booked in for group classes.

‘Stronger Together Through Movement’

Natasha x